First blog post

Hi, everyone. I’m Alex Young and with this venue I intend to discuss a myriad of topics, including:

     • Politics

     • Discoveries in Social and Physical Sciences

     • My perspective on various Philosophies

     • Current Events around the globe

     • Et Cetera

Granted, this seems quite like a scattered grocery list of items! The thread that will tie all these themes together will primarily be how my journey in life is affected by all this. Secondarily, one may find this blog to be of use to oneself. Perhaps when someone reads a particular post, whether it be immediately after I’ve written it or years afterward, it may prepare that person (mentally, emotionally, physically or intellectually) to have the wherewithal to handle a particular hardship.

Mind you, I’m not presuming to be a guru and I most certainly do not hold all the answers to any one subject. Furthermore, I’m definitely not promising that a single individual will benefit, to any degree, from reading the words that I write. Rather, all I want is to offer an opportunity. How that opportunity is interpreted and applied is purely and entirely up to whomever decides to take away from this blog whatever they believe is worthwhile.

I should make a note of how I speak and write; that is, how I communicate my beliefs and thoughts to others. I am very direct and I’ve got little to no filter when it comes to a great number of topics and issues. I’m also very assertive and, perhaps, overly confident (but certainly not intentionally arrogant) when it comes to discussing matters about which I’m very well versed. In other words, you’ll likely never find me talking about engine repair, as I know nothing of it! On the other hand, I can quite easily and adeptly go on and on about the American government, certain European and Asian governments, et cetera.

A few things about me:

  1. I love being proven wrong! That is merely an opportunity to learn. Though I should point out that I said that I love to be proven wrong. If you’re prepared to demonstrate how I’m wrong, and you’re equipped with more accurate information, by all means, lead me in the right direction.
  2. My favorite thing to say is: I don’t know. Again, this affords me another chance to gain more knowledge about the world around me.
  3. My favorite thing that others say is: I don’t know. I find it quite silly that someone would rather give an irrational or otherwise thoughtless answer to a question instead of simply admitting the truth. Now, after one admits the truth, I find it perfectly acceptable to conject or hypothesize different solutions, as I do just that all the time. (Not to say that what I do is acceptable simply because I do it! Rather, I find that (at least some of) the things I do are borne of reason.)

With that, I’ll end this first post. After all, I’m afraid if I carry on any longer it may become a rant. In plus, we’ll all get to know one another much more closely and clearly over time. As for now, I sincerely thank you for taking your time to check out my side of the interwebs.

Until next time,

Alex Young


Ad Hominem Fallacy-

The Hairy Hippy

Ad hominem fallacy-

“Ad hominem (Latin for “to the man” or “to the person”), short for argumentum ad hominem, is where an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.”


A fallacy is a false way of thinking. An ad hominem is when one attacks someone’s character rather than the argument itself.

See, someone could say, “Double cheeseburgers are unhealthy.”

And, an ad hominem fallacious retort, “But, I saw you eating three cheeseburgers last week!”

Just because someone ate three cheeseburgers last week does not make the statement “double cheeseburgers are unhealthy,” inaccurate.

I was once accused of “being fake” by an acquaintance. I still don’t know what “being fake” means, really.

I know what a hypocrite is…. (someone who says something and…

View original post 246 more words


Credit: CNN

There probably isn’t anything that can be said about this individual that is in any way unique. Whether you’re insulting the man or praising him, agreeing or disagreeing with his ever-changing agenda, or you’re merely commenting on his progress thus far, everyone has already said everything one can say about any given person. The lowest of the low and the highest of the high and everything in between has been thought of and mentioned regarding Donald Trump. So for this particular post, I’d like to focus on some things about Trump that don’t have to rely on opinion.

He’s Quite Un-Forthright

Politico, The New York Times, Politifact, and countless other organizations and people have all demonstrated that Trump is a compulsive and pathological liar. So that much isn’t up for debate. There is quite literally no room for discussion on this topic. This man lies more than the past several presidents, combined. Plus some. And then plus some more. The degree to which this man lies is positively and outrageously shocking to anyone paying the minutest attention. For anyone to deny or disagree that this man lies so flagrantly and flippantly is appalling. In fact, I’d wager everything in my bank account (which actually isn’t a whole lot) that the people who deny Trump’s lies aren’t actually aware of what’s going on at all.

So what about other Trump traits — other indisputable qualities that comprise this wretched human being? How about his evident absolute disregard for standing by his ‘morals’ and “draining the swamp” of corruptible opportunities and corrupted individuals in Washington?

The Hypocrite

Let’s see, first he made a major point in his campaign to direct attention to other candidates’ corporate and banking donors. In fact, he quite frequently made note of the fact that Goldman Sachs owned politicians like Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz. So upon election does he strive for a cabinet of commendable, ethical men and women who hold solely the interests of the American people at heart? Absolutely not! Instead, he appoints to his cabinet and adminstration members of the very same institution (Goldman Sachs) that he reviled only a few months prior; namely: Steven Mnuchin, Jim Donovan, Dina Powell and Jay Clayton.

Steven Mnuchin, Treasury Secretary. Credit: Daily Mail

Oh, and to top it all off, Trump, in an apology of sorts for appointing hundred-millionaires and billionaires to his administration, claims in a speech just the other day that rich people are better at running the government. Without directly saying it, Trump certainly implied that poor people are dumber than those who are financially better off. Well, given that a group of linguists has determined that Trump’s reading level is that of a ten year old, I’d quite confidently assert that he’s got no room to talk.

Which brings me to my next criticism of Trump: he is objectively and noticeably undereducated.

King Jester

Anyone who ever listens to or watches Trump speak off-the-cuff is instantly reminded of witnessing a young child try to talk her way out of trouble. Incomplete sentences, incoherent logic, conflicting ideas, and by the end of the rambling, you’ve truly no idea what exactly the argument is of this poor kid. Instead, you’re ready to just let her off the hook because you feel she’s been tortured enough, albeit only mentally.

But this isn’t a five year old kid here. And this isn’t a matter of trivial consequence. This, Donald Trump, is responsible for the face of America. He is this nation’s handshake. He is its spokesman. He is its executive. He is its weapon. He is its recognition. He is its path. And does he take any of this responsibility and expectation seriously? It would most certainly appear that he definitely does not.


So, what is my point in all this? My point is that Donald Trump is demonstrably unfit for McDonald’s fry-cook — much less for Commander in Chief.

Am I saying these things because I’m not a Republican? Absolutely not. This is why I veered away from opinion. I’ve listed here three qualities about this person that should bar anyone from any position that requires any responsibility above that of a street sweeper. Hell, I’d even want my street sweepers to be more reputable.

I’m not saying these things simply because I dislike this man and the party with which he presently affiliates. My disdain for him goes far, far deeper. To say that I hate him with a passion does not even come close to scratching the very edge of the surface of my inexplicable loathing of this vile creature. I would gleefully take another eight years of Dubya over eight more minutes of Trump — and I really, really disliked Bush and his administration and their policies and decisions that very negatively affect us to this day.


If you read this and actually like Trump, please leave a comment as to why and how. Without cursing me or my political knowledge, simply explain to me why you support him.

On the other hand, if you agree with my assessment, let me know if you’ve got more objective metrics by which to judge Trump. You can even expand on mine if you wish.

Either way, thank you for taking time out of your day to let me vent.

Until next time,

Alex Young